Purchasing a grain roaster for your farm is an exciting process and a new addition to your operation. You can produce more feed, better care for your animals, and increase productivity of roasting grain on-site. But how much should you expect to spend on a machine of this size and power?
While grain roasters aren’t an impulse buy, they are a great investment for many farmers. In many cases, the roasters actually pay for themselves in a matter of years, but where do you start and how do you budget for this kind of purchase?
The Breakdown
Grain roasters can be used to roast many different types of grain including soy beans, corn, barley, and wheat. Depending on what you’re planning to roast, shrink and other factors may influence your total product.
In addition to the cost of the machine and the raw grain, maintenance, gas, labor, and electric should all be considered in your total cost.
For the machines themselves, you can expect to pay between $30,000-$100,000 depending on the capacity and efficiency your operation requires. In addition to the machine’s hard cost, you’ll want to budget for a few additional things. Here’s what your total costs per month may look like with our Model 400 (ideal for large mills and farms):
Costs per month
- Machine $892.85
12t Grain Roaster = $75,000.00 ~ 7 year pay off $892.85/month
- Maintenance $224.00
Maintenance $1.00/t @ 224 tpm = $224.00
- Gas $900.00
Propane ~ 4.5 gal/ton x 224 t/month @.90/gal =$907.00
- Labor $560.00
Labor ~ 224 t/month ÷ 10tph = 22.4 hr x $25/hr = $560.00
- Electric $200.00
= $2776.85 per month cost
÷ 224 tons per month = $12.40 per ton per month
All in all, you can expect to spend around $2000-$3000/mo on your new grain roasting machine and about $10-15 per ton per month for your final products.
Put Together A Financing Plan
A financing plan is a wonderful way to ensure your new machine stays on budget with what your operation can afford. When you work with experts like the team at Roast-A-Matic, we help you with everything from understanding your options with each machine to securing financing that supports your purchase. We offer financing options through our local partners for farms of all sizes across the country.
Work With Roast-A-Matic Experts
Schnupps Grain Roasting has been building roasters for grain and other agricultural and commercial applications since 1972 and can help your farm find the perfect machine for your needs. We work with farms of all sizes from small local farms to large commercial facilities
When it comes to roasters, knowing how much time you want to spend roasting and how much money you’re willing to spend on a machine will help us know which model is right for you.
If you’re interested in investing in a grain roaster for your farm in the future, we encourage you to talk with our team today. This process can take months to complete, and we want to ensure you get everything you need. Send us all of your questions and connect with our team today!